• Zainal Syahlan STTAL
  • Khairul Huda STTAL
  • M Syaifi STTAL
  • Edy Widodo STTAL


The development of information technology also developed in line with the
development of human civilization. The development of information technology is very
helpful, one of which is the internet. The use of the internet has developed into an
appropriate means to convey information that is fast, effective and accurate. Submission
of information is not limited to all soldiers and the general public by utilizing technological
facilities, namely websites. In conveying the history of Indonesia Warship Raden Eddy
Martadinata 331 and Indonesia Warship I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 are still stored in the form
of documents on a computer and are still printed in the form of sheets of paper. In
conveying the history of Indonesia Warship, it must be developed further to convey
information in the current era. Historical research that executive focuses on the past. So
far, information on the Indonesia Warship Indonesia Warship's historical information
system Raden Eddy Martadinata - 331 and Indonesia Warship I Gusti Ngurah Rai - 332
on the web-based Indonesian Armed Forces fleet are still in print. besides using
information books, then try to make other alternatives by creating a website, besides that
members are expected to access information easily and efficiently. With the
ineffectiveness in managing Indonesia Warship Indonesia Warship historical data Raden
Eddy Martadinata - 331 and Indonesia Warship I Gusti Ngurah Rai - 332, a design of the
Indonesia Warship historical information system was built in the web-based Indonesian
Armada fleet which aims to facilitate the process of Indonesia Warship history search.
PHP as a programmer and MySQL as the database.
Keywords: Website-Based Indonesia Warship History Information System. PHP MySQL.

How to Cite
SYAHLAN, Zainal et al. INDONESIAN WARSHIP HISTORY INFORMATION SYSTEM OF INDONESIAN FLEET BASED ON WEB. JOURNAL ASRO, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 105-115, july 2019. ISSN 2722-5763. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
Website-Based Indonesia Warship History Information System. PHP MySQL