JOURNAL ASRO 2024-07-24T04:51:27+00:00 Dr. Okol Sri Suharyo, S.T., M.T. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JOURNAL ASRO - STTAL : THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANALYSIS&nbsp;SYSTEM AND RESEARCH OF OPERATIONS<br></strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN : 2460-7037 ; E-ISSN : 2722-5763</strong></p> CREATING A DIGITAL CULTURE IN THE ORGANIZATION 2024-01-29T14:54:50+00:00 Sukmo Hadi Nugroho Adi Bandono Okol Sri Suharyo <p>Digital culture allows members and the organizations that support them to grow, develop, and innovate quickly, as well as adapt to meet the needs of their customers. This research aims to develop appropriate and systematic procedural steps for creating a digital culture in an organization. The method used is the Descriptive Qualitative Analysis Method approach. The results of this research show that there are several reasons why digital culture is very important which can be described as follows: reducing barriers in communication and increasing transparency, increasing agility and greater adaptability, increasing collaboration and innovation, and increasing capabilities in terms of data collection. The results of the next research are that several best ways can be taken to realize and create a digital culture, which can be identified as follows: (1) prioritizing transparency, (2) encouraging collaboration, (3) offering digital training, (4) being comfortable with risk, and (4) aspires to inspire.</p> <p>&nbsp;<em>Keywords: Digital Culture, Organization.</em></p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRATEGIC REVIEW OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION TOWARDS THE ERA OF DIGITAL CULTURE 2024-01-29T15:00:47+00:00 Sukmo Hadi Nugroho Adi Bandono Anton Nugroho <p><em>Digital technology continues to develop rapidly. The presence of digital technology can never be stopped or hindered. This research aims to prepare a strategic review in the context of digital technology transformation towards the era of digital culture. The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The research results are a strategic review and guidelines for wise steps in dealing with digital technology. Accepting, getting to know, mastering, and developing digital technology is a strategic effort to help solve problems in human life that continue to develop. Therefore, everyone must undergo a digital cultural transformation to adapt and align themselves with technological advances. Many people, organizations, companies, agencies, and even countries have gone bankrupt because they cannot adapt to developments in digital technology. On the contrary, many people, organizations, companies, agencies, and even countries have advanced because they quickly adapt, accelerate, and innovate with a digital culture that continues to develop dynamically</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Transformation, Digital Culture, Digital Technology</em></p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023